
Fate cursed king mods
Fate cursed king mods

Are you letting me make the first move?" (after 15 seconds)

  • "So face me, mortal! And accept your fate!" (after 10 seconds).
  • fate cursed king mods

  • "I am the Mighty King Chicken, and I have come to annihilate you!".
  • The Mighty King Chicken says the following in sequence: When the player summons The Mighty King Chicken (initiating the battle): Chickman Cultists drop Strange Contract that can be used to summon the King Chicken's Royal Army event.
  • Defeating The Mighty King Chicken for the first time will cause Chickman Cultist to begin to spawn on the Surface in the day.
  • fate cursed king mods

    If the player does not kill it after 2 minutes and 15 seconds, then The Mighty King Chicken will take its leave, despawning with no drops with the exception of a Gold Crown.

    fate cursed king mods

    The Mighty King Chicken does not attack (aside from weak pecks), and instead chooses to intimidate the player into inaction with prideful boasts and sinister threats. The Mighty King Chicken does not spawn on its own, and requires the player to summon it by using an Egg Crown.

    Fate cursed king mods